
‘The Kore’ Motorola’s Next Tablet

Motorola is about to release another tablet in the near future, to hear so that she's already gone shopping domain not exaclty a surprise. It is tempting to purchase a number of domains with the word means in the Kore, that her forthcoming tablet will probably have the same name. You actually have up to 5 domains MotorolaKore.com, KoreMotorola.com, Moto-kore.com, MotoKore.com Kore.com and Motorola, all on August 3 picked up were registered. i Obviously if you have been following their purchase of the domain's history, this is the first time you've done it so for a while.

This is all speculation, but during the earnings call it was made ​​clear that Motorola had to start looking for another two 4G-enabled tablet and at least one other 4G smartphone. The Kore may be one of the upcoming devices, we have to wait to see one.


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